What Happened?
On the 22nd of March we celebrated a Messy Easter! We learnt about God’s great love and mercy for all of us and the sacrifice he made, through a wide range awesome activities including; palm print palm fans, family foot-washing relay, family hand and footprint crosses, nail and wool crosses, Easter egg dying, butterfly mobiles, edible tombs and colouring in! After these activities Elise shared a message on the true meaning of Easter, which was followed by a delicious meal consisting of hamburgers and fruit salad. To finish off a wonderful afternoon of family fun an Easter egg hunt was set up outside for the kids to enjoy! |
Here is a short video clip which demonstartes the Easter story from the Bible.
Easter Bible Readings
Palm Sunday, Jesus Enters Jerusalem
The Lord's Supper
Good Friday, The Crucifixtion of Jesus
The Resurection of Jesus